online media - attitude magazine CLASSWORK

Attitude = gay magazine

gay men = pretty small proportion of population - 10% of males 

How are gay men represented on attitude online?
- how it is constructed
- the producers ideology 

- all gossip news - stereotyping them as people who would read and enjoy this news
- men are being sexualised 
- there are separate parts of the website for style, travel and active - assumed that gay men    care about these things 
- article featuring drag queen Ru Paul's represents gay men in an atypical fashion,                  indicating that there are many possible representations of gay men included in this article
- the 'boys' tab allows users to access hypersexualised images of men. Straight men such      as Daniel Craig are presented in a startlingly homoerotic way, directly addressing the            audience with a voyeuristic and confrontational mode of address - additionally in                    comparison to mainstream 'straight' magazines there are a number of highly sexualised        and objectified images of men
- In general, sexually attractive men are represented as being so through                                  hyper-masculine features chiselled abs, huge muscles and tight underwear
- gay men are also represented as being particularly interested in style and fashion, a              highly stereotypical representation of gay men - additionally the prices of clothes and            electronic products in these articles seem to suggest the target gay audience are                  independently wealthy - 'the pink pound' 
- Gay men are also represented as being stereotypically sensitive, cultured and even              feminine - there is a big emphasis on theatre, drama and theatrical productions such as        musicals 
- every news, entertainment story, regardless of its subject features a 'gay' angle is the companion website to the UK's best selling gay magazine - attitude 

1 - attitude is a simple and straight forward website for a simple and straightforward audience 
2 - attitude presents stereotypical and straightforward representations of gay men 
3 - attitude online solely exists to promote the magazine 

to what extent can it be argued that Attitude represents a singular, stereotypical and reductive representation of masculinity and why? 
- appealing to a mainstream gay audience - can appeal to a wider gay audience 

- by constructing a stereotypical gay audience it allows to sell                              advertising revenue - this works and they were selling copies which is why they continued

- targeting holidays specifically to gay clients is a big thing 

- it provides a sense of inclusivity - gay men may feel like they need a sense of belonging - 

attitude magazine is still being bought the same amount it was in the 90's

production values are low because they are using the same articles from last year 

  • What representations of masculinity are constructed in this front cover? Make explicit reference to the toolkit for textual analysis.
very hairy arms, moustache, green jacket has connotations of the army, short hair with gel in it
  • To what extent does this cover subvert hegemonic representations of masculinity?
nail polish, makeup especially around the eyes, pose is very feminine - hand on hip
  • How is anchorage provided by the cover lines of the magazine cover?
"masc survey" shows this issue is about masculinity vs non masculinity, exactly what this person is showing - "busting the myths around masculinity and race"
  • How does the print version of Attitude demonstrate digital convergence?


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