
Component one section A =
Analysing media language and representation

Component one section B =
Analysing media industries and audiences

Media language = analysis
Audience = 

why is media studies so preoccupied with audience? 
- The audience is essential to any part of media due to the fact that without the audience it's not a media product
- Audience expectation - every media product is created for a specific audience 
- Media products influence their audiences - example of media amplification - when something is blown out of proportion
- it's assumed that audiences are prone to manipulation

Target audience = the specific group of people a media product is aimed at e.g. age range and gender. 

Secondary audience = the group of people who may also watch/listen etc. a media product but it's not specifically aimed at them. 

Producer will ALWAYS pick a target audience. 



Producer encodes the text  (makes the decision as to what the media product would be)
Audience decodes the text
Audience to producer negotiate


Targeting - aim or direct something 
Attracting - cause (someone) to have a liking for or interest in something.
Reaching - to extend to different audiences.
Addressing - speak to (a person or an assembly) for example modes of address. 
Constructing - form (an idea or theory) by bringing together various conceptual elements.

Image result for the last of us ps3

Target audience for The Last Of US

- the guns within the advert are used to attract males aged 17-30
- The mise-en-scene is used to display what type of game it is. 
- Use of low-key lighting functions as a hermeneutic code.
- Uses sans serif font - the title occupies about a third of the cover. 
- mid-shot to show the audience an insight of the setting and the people
- the weapons shown are atypical 
-The focal image point is on the characters
- Our eyes immediately view the young girl as it's a non-stereotypical place for her to be. 
- non-stereotypical/ atypical view of woman because she has a gun on her backpack.
- The way they are looking back at the camera suggests that they are in danger - dutch tilt/tilted camera angle - this acts as another hermeneutic code. 
- Also a proairetic code due to the setting as it is a deserted and flooded city - shows there has been a disaster = another hermeneutic code
- Character in background doesn't look that young (around mid thirties) which allows the secondary audience to be older and the daughter could be somebody they want to protect. 

Break down target audience by 
- gender

Related image

Related image

Target audience = families and parents due to all of the pictures on the fridge 
- Stereotypical image of a dad 
- The mode of address is friendly and speaking to family audiences but completely excludes teenagers
- middle class but will not alienate working class (mode of address) 

Google the word Psychographics 
the classification of people according to attitudes aspirations and other psychological criteria. 
- Aspirers = They seek status, people who want to appear rich and attractive, Aspirers want status brands that show their place in society. They are happy to invest in luxury goods etc.

- Reformers = People who want social change, are unimpressed by status and make decisions based on their values. They are defined by self-esteem and self-improvement . They are NOT materialistic

- Explorers = People that like to discover new things and are attracted to new or innovative brands, products or experiences. They are adventurous people who like taking risks

- Mainstreamers = people who follow the crowd, they like tried and trusted things that are good value for money. Less likely to take risks

- Strugglers = people who find it hard to achieve (often connected with poverty), 


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