Music videos

City Girls - Twerk ft Cardi b 
key representations =
- women are sexualised.
- all of the women have big bums 
- latin women 
- vast majority of the people in this music video are black mixed race and other ethnic              minorities 
- girls with curves are featured in the video and larger and more normal and                            obtainable body types - many close and extreme close ups on their buttocks 
- very singular and homogenised representation of women in this video exclusively have        large buttocks and exclusively wearing thongs  
- extremely explicit example of sexualisation 
- fast paced editing that cuts rapidly from women to women presenting an ideological              perspective that all women are the same which is an example of stereotyping and                  reinforces a stereotypical representation of black and ethnic minority women body shape      and that black and minority ethnic women are only being used for sex - stereotypes black      women as being promiscuous.
- mise-en-scene of the yacht connotes money and power reinforcing/ anchoring the                meaning that these women are dancing for money.
- Doesn't focus on their face a lot, focussing on their buttocks = objectification
- positions the audience as a heterosexual man = the target audience for Cardi B = teenage    girls. 
- This is hyper-sexualised representation of women to cultivate a hegemonically acceptable     ideology regarding the representation of women
- The video is an example of normalisation through desensitisation. 
- Uk conquered many countries and claimed ownership of countries and now the countries      have been given back = colonisation - paul gilroy says we live in a post colonial society        and we still have attitudes against certain people and argues that we have a hierarchy in      society.

Gucci Gang - Lil Pump 
- shot types change rapidly connoting he is on drugs 
- has 3 huge bags weed and also codine
- represented that all bme teens do drugs 
- tiger represents that they are aggressive, violent, fierce 
- the psychedelic colours and editing techniques represent him being on drugs - says that b.m.e people use drugs - connotes themes of drug use
- explicit use of drugs especially lean and three large bags of cannabis connoting he has a lot of money and he is a drug dealer 
- it's not a prop and he is quite clearly breaking the law by carrying around cannabis which reinforces the stereotypical representation that b.m.e people are drug users and dealers. 
- Tiger is connotative of violence, aggression and symbolises Lil Pumps intention to cause harm which reinforces the stereotype that b.m.e people are violent and dangerous 
- walking down the hallway with a Tiger suggests that he is disrespectful and breaks down the barriers of authority which reinforces stereotype that b.m.e people break the law.
- smoking in school, has face tattoos = breaks hegemonic norms, will find it difficult to get a job and establishes the idea that he doesn't really care and is separate from conventional society - Lil Pump is different and criminal
- For Gilroy, stereotypes are reinforced by those in position of power and come about when there is an imbalance of power. Lil Pump is dealing drugs to get money and power - hes doing this because his in a position of low hierarchy status (according to Gilroy's theory) IF the stereotype is repeated over and over again the people who are being represented are going to continue to behave by their stereotype  = self-fulfilling prophecy 


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