
- The daily mirror has a strong and clear hatred for Donald Trump.
-Has references to a disaster film implying Donald Trump is a disaster
- Lexis of "what have they done?" sounds as if the rest of the world is sighing.
- Pose of statue of liberty has connotations of people shaking their head and being ashamed or disappointed
- It assumed that people have knowledge that the statue of liberty is in the USA.
- It assumes we know who "President Trump" is as they haven't fully referred to him as Donald Trump - referring to him with his second name
- Element of blame within the text of "what have they done?"
- Liberty = freedom and the statue of liberty's face is covered showing that their freedom has been taken away.
"and what it means for you and the world" is using direct address so that people feel more affected by it.
- Ideological perspectives encode that Donald Trump is a bad person and the front page is a proairetic and hermeneutic.
- This is a reference to a film called the Planet Of The Apes.
- Also making intertextual references of war documentaries - shows that Trump is going to bring war
- The mise-en-scene of the dark clouds is a proairetic code suggesting Trump will bring the country to war.
- Also makes reference to Action Films - Donald Trump likes actions films
- Also makes reference to the weeping Angels in Doctor Who - it's a British Show and the Daily Mirror's assumption is that every British person watches Doctor Who.
- Statue Of Liberty references America and hope.
- It assumes we know what is going
- "It's President Trump" is in red which is a proairetic code of danger.
- Hands over Statue Of Liberty's face shows that she is upset.
- We can assume the Daily Mirror's political ideology - trump is very right wing so they are likely to be left winged.
Biased - being unfairly for or against somebody/something
Left wing is generally a more liberal and forward-moving ideology whereas right wing is more conservative and generally traditional. In the UK, Labour are leaning left from centre and the Conservatives are leaning right from centre

- Demonstrates a neutral view on Donald Trump - suggests positivity but doesn't have as large of an ideological belief as the Daily Mirror.
- The mise-en-scene of the american flag in the background suggests that Trump is going to be good for america - symbolic of freedom and justice - having it in the background anchors the audience to believe that Donald Trump is a positive force.
- "the new world" could symbolise hope
- The type-face of the writing is professional symbolising trump being professional
- The large picture of trump with his fist in the air could represent strength and power.
- fist in the air could also be a proairetic code
- mise-en-scene of the colour red could connote determination and courage but could also be patriarchy due to the colour red being the flag
- The large image of Trump is in the centre symbolising his importance and significance for a change in America
- The headline of "the new world" is presented in a serif font which has connotations of positivity, seriousness and the ideology that Trump will be a global force for good.
- Trump's red tie is connotative of positivity, hope and patriotism - red is the colour of the Republican party.
- placement of the headline is directly over trumps heart demonstrating his love and intentions to shape the world - polysemic reading
- possible polysemic reading: highly wary of the future - bias through selection - a slightly smug picture of trump has been selected suggesting that Trump is unprepared yet for some other audiences might suggest he is confident or Trump's fear at responsibility.
- Lexis = choice of the word shock wave is perhaps symbolic of natural disasters - potentially the audience may negotiate a negative response.
- Pull quote's lexis demonstrates the new presidents egoism - could be comparative of other orators like Martin Luther King and is also an intertextual reference of a super villain
- Yellow of the second line could suggest strength but also cowardliness.
- by generally supporting Trump, the times generally has a right wing bias
- further enforces the ideological perspective of the newspaper
representation = process of showing something again - created through visual codes, technical codes, audio codes : the same way any meaning is created
re = again
presentation =
The study of representation looks at:
1. the group, place or issue on which a media text is focusing
2. the technical devices the media text uses in order to present these groups
3. the message about the group or issue being created within the text
4. the impact of this message on the target audience

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