Audience Manipulation

Albert Bandura - media effects
- The effects model AKA The Hypodermic needle model - the producers put an idea into the audiences brain = one response to a media product
- This is a theory about passive audience 
- Issue with theory = nonsense as people won't always copy what is happening on the media product except from children

George Gerbner - Cultivation theory = the growth of ideology
- "The idea that prolonged and heavy exposure to TV cultivates (grows or develops) a view of the world consistent with the dominant or majority view expounded by television" 
- The more often we watch something the more it's reinforced 
- it distorts reality  
- it is quite a true theory 
- flaws in this theory = not everyone watches excessive amounts of TV, its very similar of the effects model, while this theory may have been useful in the 1970s with only 3 channels, the ridiculous amount of ways we have of accessing media now challenges the idea that any ideology can be mainstream 
Gerber theory presumes that young people are impressionable.


Applying cultivation theory to Tide advertising =  
- It cultivates the stereotypical ideology that women are cleaners 
- also cultivates the ideology that women shouldn't work and should stay at home.
-That women aren't pretty if they don't wear makeup 
- reinforces the ideology that men don't clean due to the fact that they are absent from the advert. 
- Cultivates the idea that women talk a lot (stereotypical) 

Hegemony = where one group wields power over another, not through domination, but through coercion and consent 

Non hegemonic power = putting people at gun point, military conquest

Hegemonic power (agreeing to rules) = listening to teachers, the school system, drinking underage if your friends are older, buying popular shoes so you can fit in, use of money (pay for something), parents rules, political hegemony, hegemonic structure of class, patriarchal hegemony, cultural hegemony

In what ways does this advert target it's audience through content and appeal? 
- young white women drink coke
- sexual advert
- People have seen women drinking coke so then it cultivates the stereotypical idea that ALL young women drink coke
- Men made this advert (most likely) so it could be reflecting patriarchal hegemony 
- it is being advertised towards everyone but in particular young women and men due to the way the woman are portrayed. 
- appeals to straight men due to the fact that the content is two young women in bikini's
- They are what we class as attractive women as that is what we stereotypically see in adverts due to the fact that adverts like this normally use women not wearing much, no blemishes, skinny 
- we assume that the women are fun because they are young, skinny, pretty and laid back = have to look like this to be attractive 
- use of setting is a symbolic code that emphasises wealth
- if we keep seeing this image of women over and over again it will become reinforced
- stereotype that young women don't work, just relax and have fun
- sunbathing on a roof in the city = most important to relax 
- target audience is young women because there aren't any men within the advert so you relate to them. 
- It's aspirational to young women as they are selling the lifestyle and body image of these women and if you don't have that then you aren't pretty or attractive. 

Colgate = 

Related imageHegemonic display that if your teeth aren't white then you aren't attractive. 


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