The television industry

The Television Industry 

Television is a specialised industry - it has it's own structure etc
Digital media has completely changed the way the television industry works 

Television in the 21st century = 
- Changed completely since the advent of digital technology in terms of it's production,            distribution and consumption. 
- Has become global rather than national industry 
- has become increasingly commercial with public service broadcasting
- product of a capital society
- idents make it known what we are watching
- broadcasters are now "narrowcasters" with multiple channels targeting different audiences 
- Interactive social media channels like YouTube have increased accessibility for the     "prosumer" audience = digital convergence - all being played, viewed and watched in the       same way - on your phone

What is a broadcast?
Piece of media that spreads a wide net - hoping to attract a wide range of audience members. 

First channel in UK = 
BBC - appealed to many different people. 

Netflix = narrowcasts = it targets very specific audiences = "the end of the fucking world" - the title makes it an issue to search for it and it makes it an issue to advertise it as people don't like swear words - it's niche. 
"Terrace house" = extremely niche and very popular.

The TV industry is almost impossible to regulate. 

- NOV 2 1934 BBC Broadcasted first TV programme but hardly anyone was watching as        there were only 400 sets
- John Reith is the founding father of the BBC
- through 1920's and 30's Britain was in a race with Germany and USA to make first image      on TV
- John Logie Baird was at forefront of TV production 
- Alexandra Palace was where the BBC were broadcasting from
- Lord Reith's issue with television was : it's distracting, spread biased opinions/                    propaganda - it would manipulate the audience, it would make people stupid - instead      of watching tv people should've been out doing things etc.
- The BBC creed was to inform, to educate, to entertain
- TV isn't really there to inform and educate - there are some programmes that do this like      BBC news - generally don't consider it to be something to educate us. 
- BBC = worlds first broadcasting corporation = funded through public that pay TV licenses      = £140 a year - it's a public service broadcaster. 
  BBC = British Broadcast Channel
- Soap Opera's are called that because the adverts that were between them were all to do      with soap. 
- ITV = half funded by adverts, half funded by licenses = Independent Television 
- Channel 4 

Distribution = how the product is "given" to the audience
Circulation = How people share it around 
Marketing = How it is sold

Persona Synthetics TV Commercial for TV show HUMANS =
- no reference to TV show Humans until the lil hashtag at the end 
- After watching it people are likely to talk about it to people = Viral Marketing 
- It's a television spot advert = in ad breaks
- Low angle shot of the synth leading the child up the stairs = ominous connotations and          hermeneutic code further referenced by the sparse narrative 
- Highly polysemic advert; synth leading the boy upstairs could either be constructed as          threatening or could empathise with the synth's maternal nature. Boy walking downstairs,      followed by eye line match to mother followed by the unexpected conclusion of the synth      instead leading the boy upstairs perfectly demonstrates the themes of the TV show 
- Todorov = use of disequilibrium 
- Synth's eyes = Utilisation of direct mode of address is included to deliberately make the        audience feel uncomfortable 
- Advert lacks any form of anchorage, taking on the form of a consumer product                      advertisement as opposed to a trailer for a sci fi TV show - highly subversive
- elements of postmodernism. lack's meaning and is selling something that does not                actually exist. A hyperreal advertisement?
- Synth is very expressionless and appears to lack humanity. Takes on the role of a                  housewife or maid. Establishes right from the beginning key themes explored within the        TV show
- Additionally, Sally the Synth plays the roll of a doll which again prefigures key themes of        the TV show


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