Les Revenantssssss
Mogwai = band that did music in Les Revenants = they made all of the music for the tv show whereas normally the composer makes the music.
Mogwai are from Scotland - rock band - unconventional rock band because it's quite mellow and heavy. They aren't wearing rock clothes, normal and boring looking, wear things like adidas tracksuit. Atypical because they dont have a vocalist (singer).
The genre of Mogwai is post-rock - they have a niche or cult audience.
Mogwai can ensure the show has a pre-sold audience, makes it atypical
While on stage there were:
- Close up shots of facial expressions
- Close up shots of playing the guitar
- just standing there, not dancing - this also makes them atypical
The US DVD Trailer analysis =
- It makes it seem a lot more exciting than it actually is - it has a range of characters, edited by someone else - distributors - they take a completely different role.
- Lots of hermeneutic and proairetic codes
- Slow editing in TV show yet this trailer uses rapid fire montage and cross cutting
- its made for Americans because it has subtitles
- some extremely exciting scenes = close up of the pictures covered in blood that a suggests it's going to be a horror, see the bus going through the bridge and a cut to Camille's face (this doesn't happen in the actual tv show)
- It's a highly atypical tv show - not an easy show to sell because it's boring and a cult show for a cult audience
- The music by Mogwai in this trailer is fast pace to match the fast pace cutting - different to the slow music in the show
- from watching this trailer it shows it's a horror, drama romance hybrid
- Lots of Simon and Adele in the trailer to make it seem romantic
- there will be disappointed people
- the tv show is aiming for a niche cult audience yet the distributors of the trailer are clearly aiming for a mainstream audience
Promotional image 2012 from Canal+
- "the past has decided to resurface" - they have chosen this because Simon is coming back - edgy, mysterious, creepy
- Simon and Adele are opposite sides of the lake unable to get to each other
- Simon being in the reflection shows how he isnt real
- Binary opposition between their outfits - Adele's white dress and Simons black suit
- Deserted setting makes them seem alone and lonely
- Mise-en-scene of Simon's rose connotes love and romance - this with their outfits = a proairetic code as to whether they are married/ love each other.
- long shot to show where they are and the setting.
- Simons arm coming through the surface of the water is a proairetic code suggesting he is coming back from the dead
- Setting = a valley in the Alps = targets a french audience because it is something they would be familiar with.
- Rose is symbolic of mourning
- Binary opposition - life and death which is represented through a lake
- "canal+" - showing who made it so they are being advertised - extremely big company that makes a lot of tv shows
- Canal+ co-produced ' I, Daniel Blake'
- Logo in the right hand corner insinuates that they are a well-respected institution
- wedding dress = romance
- they look very french - french people appeal to a french audience
- type face of the title represents the binary oppositions within the show
- Les revenants is a show that audiences can negotiate
- v. effective piece of advertisement
- French people are different from American people - everyone has different tastes
- French audiences are cultivated to watch more edgy shows, more sex, more grumpy etc
Other merchandise
The DVD cover is clearly attracting white middle class 30-50 year olds
Book wouldn't attract the audience
Lake pub t-shirt = targets the niche or cult audience of the show
Mogwai Les Revenants album = targeting Mogwai fans - doesn't target Les Revenants fans - this tie-in targets a pre-sold audience

Blog =

Fan art =
Mogwai are from Scotland - rock band - unconventional rock band because it's quite mellow and heavy. They aren't wearing rock clothes, normal and boring looking, wear things like adidas tracksuit. Atypical because they dont have a vocalist (singer).
The genre of Mogwai is post-rock - they have a niche or cult audience.
Mogwai can ensure the show has a pre-sold audience, makes it atypical
While on stage there were:
- Close up shots of facial expressions
- Close up shots of playing the guitar
- just standing there, not dancing - this also makes them atypical
The US DVD Trailer analysis =
- It makes it seem a lot more exciting than it actually is - it has a range of characters, edited by someone else - distributors - they take a completely different role.
- Lots of hermeneutic and proairetic codes
- Slow editing in TV show yet this trailer uses rapid fire montage and cross cutting
- its made for Americans because it has subtitles
- some extremely exciting scenes = close up of the pictures covered in blood that a suggests it's going to be a horror, see the bus going through the bridge and a cut to Camille's face (this doesn't happen in the actual tv show)
- It's a highly atypical tv show - not an easy show to sell because it's boring and a cult show for a cult audience
- The music by Mogwai in this trailer is fast pace to match the fast pace cutting - different to the slow music in the show
- from watching this trailer it shows it's a horror, drama romance hybrid
- Lots of Simon and Adele in the trailer to make it seem romantic
- there will be disappointed people
- the tv show is aiming for a niche cult audience yet the distributors of the trailer are clearly aiming for a mainstream audience

- "the past has decided to resurface" - they have chosen this because Simon is coming back - edgy, mysterious, creepy
- Simon and Adele are opposite sides of the lake unable to get to each other
- Simon being in the reflection shows how he isnt real
- Binary opposition between their outfits - Adele's white dress and Simons black suit
- Deserted setting makes them seem alone and lonely
- Mise-en-scene of Simon's rose connotes love and romance - this with their outfits = a proairetic code as to whether they are married/ love each other.
- long shot to show where they are and the setting.
- Simons arm coming through the surface of the water is a proairetic code suggesting he is coming back from the dead
- Setting = a valley in the Alps = targets a french audience because it is something they would be familiar with.
- Rose is symbolic of mourning
- Binary opposition - life and death which is represented through a lake
- "canal+" - showing who made it so they are being advertised - extremely big company that makes a lot of tv shows
- Canal+ co-produced ' I, Daniel Blake'
- Logo in the right hand corner insinuates that they are a well-respected institution
- wedding dress = romance
- they look very french - french people appeal to a french audience
- type face of the title represents the binary oppositions within the show
- Les revenants is a show that audiences can negotiate
- v. effective piece of advertisement
- French people are different from American people - everyone has different tastes
- French audiences are cultivated to watch more edgy shows, more sex, more grumpy etc
Other merchandise
The DVD cover is clearly attracting white middle class 30-50 year olds
Book wouldn't attract the audience
Lake pub t-shirt = targets the niche or cult audience of the show
Mogwai Les Revenants album = targeting Mogwai fans - doesn't target Les Revenants fans - this tie-in targets a pre-sold audience

Blog =

Fan art =

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