Magazine 1 - year 2

Analysis of magazine
- The masthead is positioned at the start of the Z-line, then the face is in the middle of the Z-line and then his name.
- His face is the main image
- The simplistic layout puts emphasis on his face and eyes as it makes him look like he is looking right at you making it a personal mode of address.
- Connotation of the colour scheme suggests happiness and stereotypically female colours which challenges the stereotypes of the rap and hip hop genre.
- It has a lack of anchorage as it doesn't tell you what its actually about.
- not typical of a rapper to be wearing a pastel blue jumper making it an unconventional cover - the producer chose his dress sense.
- He is a young black male and it is a subversive representation of them. Other than the colours, the direct mode of address makes it look less intimidating.
- He looks scared
- Tone of skin, hoodie and background colour all compliment each other.


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