Encoding identity

encoding = using media language in a product to create meaning.

- High production value =
 Use a lot of different colours
 Mise-en-scene needs to be bold and stand out
 Fancy title
 Mid-shot to get more of outfit in
 high key lighting

- Agression
 lots of dark colours
 high angle shot
 set in a location that represents aggression = street/ run down areas etc.
 looking directly at camera
 low key lighting

Name = Ellen Edwards
Clothes = bright orange roll neck and plain black skirt/ dungaree dress
Hairstyle = curly with two half up half down style
Age = 22
Place of origin = London
Makeup = Natural but bright/glossy lipstick
Location = field/ plain wall
Looking directly at the camera half smiling half looking serious
style = pretty, bubbly, edgy, unique

Image result for bright pink lip

Image result for black skirt denim

Image result for neon orange roll neck top

- barcode
- cover lines - telling you what is in the magazines
- price
- cover image of model
- edition number - for example ss19 = spring summer
- masthead - title - name of magazine (wont be called the daily times - has to be something different)
- subtitle/ sell lines/ slogan
- image will cover the entire page - mid to close up shot - dominates page

Front cover and double page spread of previously made magazine

- Makes her look aggressive
- Bright red stands out against the black and white background making the magazine look edgy
- The pose makes her look edgy and different
- The mise-en-scene of her outfit is all black making her look aggressive

Image result for magazine cover


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