music videos

representation = where something is shown again. 

6IX9ine - billy 

- glorifies crime 
- suggests that BME people are aggressive and violent because we are positioned in the middle of a riot 
- police were shown to be bad
- mid shots a majority of the time 
- quick cuts 
- he is not black and he uses the n word cultivating the idea that white people are aggressive 
- gang is shown a lot of the time as the mise-en-scene of gang signs, hoodies etc. People are standing huddled and crammed into shot 
- use of police is a focus which connotes crime. Binary opposition is formed between the performer and police which emphasises his status as a criminal. 
- Explicit mention of murder and sex. Reinforces a stereotypical ideology that non-white people are criminals and obsessed with sex
- cinematography is very shaky - hand held cinematography connotes how the audience are positioned in a chaotic and stressful situation  
- It is set on the streets in front of places that are associated with BME groups (etc Kennedy Fried Chicken is where they are in front of for some of the shots which constructs the message that white people are criminals. 


Beyonce - Formation (2016)
- Lead single for the album Lemonade, was released the day before Beyonce performed at the super bowl final in February 2016. The formation music video, directed by Melina Matsoukas, was released with the song.
- Lemonade was dropped over night and not many people knew it was coming due to the little marketing. This is only a marketing strategy that only huge artists can do.
- This music video has won numerous awards including a Clio Award for Innovation and Creative Excellence in a music video at the 2016 awards and has been nominated in the music video category at the 59th Grammy awards
- The video is set against the backdrop of the flooding in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina and the associated racial tension in America, it also draws historical parallels with reference to racism and slavery.

(A single is a song released by itself)

Themes of conflict within this video = 
- When she is on the car dressed nicely but the background is with the floods
- Beyonce dressing up in working class clothing 
- She is on top of a police car at the beginning of the video = master shot - shot we keep on coming back to - conflict is between ordinary people and police - yet she is wearing working class black people clothing making her seem like an ordinary person.
- child and the police - shot shows the difference between them - child is young and black and the police are adults and white - three shots in montage. Definite contrast between the black child and white police 
- conflict between civilisation and the weather - post apocalyptic setting 
- wealth and poverty - shot in a wig shop that is stereotypically used by black people
- life and death - funeral shot 
- conflict between different stereotypes 

Sells the song because it is deliberately controversial because it has a bold and controversial message as it is about oppression and slavery.

The video is highly atypical - not the standard Beyonce music video that is normally produced 

Camera Angles = 

Why is it used? 
Long, wide shot angle and it was used to show the destruction of the flooding in the background and Beyoncé on top of the police car in working class clothing. It was used to get all of this within the shot to show the conflict within the video. Shows the conflict between the black working class people and police force. 

Effect on the audience 
They aren't used to seeing Beyonce in the working class style clothing which makes it a shock to see. The audience could relate to the clothing Beyonce is wearing within this video if they aren't able to afford high class clothing. It's also an atypical setting and music video for Beyonce to be in which makes a lot of people want to talk about = advertising for the video. Also leaves the audience feeling empathetic for those who were affected by the flooding and working class as they are unable to help themselves.

example = slow paced for a music video - not quick editing - 
Analysis enables the audience to take in the different shots and the meanings behind them. It enables them to understand and take it all in. A lot of music videos tend to be fast paced yet the slow paced music video demonstrates the issues and how we need to take in the conflict and issues being presented. 
effect = the audience can create a response to the meanings and perhaps even feel guilt y about the message conveyed

mise-en-scene lighting 


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