
Showing posts from May, 2019


differences between a broadsheet newspaper and tabloid newspaper: Broadsheets = - larger  - focus on more serious topics - aimed at more higher class people - quality press - more sophisticated and formal language used - plainer layout - not much colour and smaller type face - subtle pictures - longer articles that are very detailed  - serious headlines  - more focus on politics, international news and reviews of high culture e.g opera - more writing  - middle class target audience  - make use of a lot of assumed knowledge  Tabloid =  - contain gossip - may use stories about TV shows - aimed at lower social groups  - Language is informal and colloquial (writing in a chatty way) - shorter articles more pictures - less in-depth reporting  - puns and jokes in headlines  - more focus on human interest stories e.g. celebrity gossip - use of gimmicks e.g. online surveys, bingo, free travel tickets  ...


(Missed last lesson - Emily sent notes) The women in the video are always running away from something or looking in fear/vulnerable, it can be assumed that they are running away from men that are following or stalking them. - dehumanising women and making them look like dolls (objectifying them) - Some kind of surgery procedure - altering her image to make herself look better and fit in society possibly - looks in fear of someone, something - looks like a doll - links to idea women are meant to look perfect.  - dark background makes it gloomy and depressed connoting she is surrounded by darkness in her life (low key lighting) - mid shot of women.  - low angle shot makes her look powerful - looks as if she is being watched through the leaves - voyeurism  - hiding her face with the binoculars suggesting she doesn't want to be seen - hiding away from the world - reinforcing the idea that she is being stalked and w...

music videos

representation = where something is shown again.  6IX9ine - billy  - glorifies crime  - suggests that BME people are aggressive and violent because we are positioned in the middle of a riot  - police were shown to be bad - mid shots a majority of the time  - quick cuts  - he is not black and he uses the n word cultivating the idea that white people are aggressive  - gang is shown a lot of the time as the mise-en-scene of gang signs, hoodies etc. People are standing huddled and crammed into shot  - use of police is a focus which connotes crime. Binary opposition is formed between the performer and police which emphasises his status as a criminal.  - Explicit mention of murder and sex. Reinforces a stereotypical ideology that non-white people are criminals and obsessed with sex - cinematography is very shaky - hand held cinematography connotes how the audience are positioned in a chaotic and stressful situation   - It is...


Riptide - Vance Joy Context: Riptide is Vance Joy's first single to be released in the USA following his debut EP "God loves you when you're dancing." It became a platinum selling single. The video was directed by Dimitri Basil and Laura Gorum and has had nearly 100 million views on youtube. Vance Joy is an Australian singer and songwriter signed to Atlantic records (a subsidiary of major label, warner). His music can be categorised as fitting into indie, folk, pop genres. Indie is short for independent. it is classed as indie yet it's not because it's signed with the subsidiary warner brothers.  Music video analysis: The singer is not shown on camera, atypical. We are just shown shots of places, things or other people.  Ukulele in background Some of the shots are creepy and dark, like the woman being dragged away, tied up and stabbing a hand. This is very unconventional. There are many hermeneutic codes within the video, bot none of ...