Compare and contrast the ways in which viewpoints and ideologies are encoded in Woman and Adbusters.

Compare and contrast the ways in which viewpoints and ideologies are encoded in Woman and Adbusters. 

Adbusters ideology and viewpoints encoded =

  • anti-capitalist - capitalist society is based on money and hierarchy. 
  • anti-consumerist - anti-buying things and not defining yourself through buying things
  • left wing - people that buy Adbusters = labour party
  • anarchist - destructive and anti - destroying capitalist by destroying ads = parody, culture jamming, brandalism.
  • the world has many problems
  • we should feel guilty 
  • we are the reason as to why the world has problems
  • people buy things because of the brand
  • consumerism is making poverty worse - society is making people poor. 
  • culture jamming
  • preferred reading of this = we are supposed to feel guilty. 
  • directing blame onto the audience "save the planet - kill yourselves"
  • They are inconclusive
  • environmentalists - they want to save the planet  
  • the magazine is complex - deliberately trying to challenge the audience
  • lacks anchorage - challenging and confusing
  • anti-authority - anti-rule making etc.

point out bluntly what the ideologies are in the introduction - the ideologies are different!!!

How are ideologies and viewpoints encoded in this article?
  • "pollution and interruption of water supplies have led to epidemics" - putting the blame on the audience - saying as if they caused people to not be able to get clean water and they are the reason behind the epidemics.
  • Binary opposition between the two images. Left image shows a woman who could be begging for water however the image on the right is of a very expensive tap so could be making fun of people who spend a large amount of money on taps when some people aren't even able to get water. The gesture of her hands are a symbolic code suggesting her begging for water. 
  • Lacks anchorage.
  • The mise-en-scene of her hands are wrinkled is a symbolic code of poverty and misfortune. It is also suggesting she has been in the water for a long time which is a binary opposition to her begging for water. 
  • The image on the right has a more of a professional layout with little room left around it whereas the image on the left has a lot of space making it look like it was quickly done and not a lot of care went into it. 
  • Adbusters presents a deliberately confusing and subversive ideology to challenge it's audience. 
  • She's not presented in a sexual way - the close up shot focusses on the models hands and knees and it is deliberately not sexualised and highly subversive. 
  • double page spread is polysemic (has loads of readings) and the preferred reading is unclear suggesting the target audience is educated and knowledgeable.
  • Both of the pictures are high angles draws a link between the woman in the bath however the images are extremely different = binary opposition between rich and poor.
  • Text is rough unaligned and badly printed suggesting that there was a complete lack of effort and that there is a division between the people who can afford luxury items than everyone else = binary opposition.
  • This is a direct criticism of a luxury brand and saying that if you buy the tap you are causing poor people to become poorer - zucchetti won't be happy about the placement of this photo because of what it's suggesting.
ideologies and viewpoints of Woman: 
  • Woman should be housewives to cook, clean and look after the children (hegemony)
  • Woman should constantly look attractive for men (hegemony) and it says explicitly what you have to do to be attractive - wearing makeup, being skinny and be fashionable. 
  • Woman must do everything to please
  • They have to stick to the hegemonic norms of a society. 
  • Men are in charge of women
  • They should reinforce hegemonic views of woman 
  • Woman are family orientated. 
  • Singular and stereotypical representation of Woman
  • Woman magazine is incredibly friendly 
  • its conventional and is a normal magazine - has contents and different sections - IT HAS A BRAND IDENTITY - the mast head doesnt change week by week.
  • stereotypical throughout
  • its patriarchal - men are in charge
  • it's aspirational. 

- she is smiling in an uncomfortable
- "seven star improvements for your kitchen" - it is your kitchen - it belongs to you and you have control over it. 

another way adbusters encode their ideologies is.....

woman and adbusters display completely different ideologies. Adbusters have a anti-capitalist, complex and subversive ideology. Whereas Woman presents a singular, stereotypical and patriarchal ideology. Adbustes doesn't have adverts and woman is stereotypical. ideologies are the belief's and views of the producer.


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