Adbusters Magazine
- By monthly magazine
- Doesn't really have a genre
- Copy we are looking at was published in May/June 2016 - copy 125
- They are anti-capitalist - opposed to profit. Many ways in which to be anti-capitalist . However we live in a capitalist society.
Capitalist = a person who uses their wealth to invest in trade and industry for profit in accordance with the principles of capitalism.
Capitalism = about making money - an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
Treachery of Images [1928]
- Makes us question how we know it is a pipe
- Everything is not as it seems
- Treacherous = when you betray something/someone.
- It's going against what we know - images can betray us - it is a pipe but the lexis is telling us its not a pipe.
- What we are seeing is not a pipe, it is a representation of a pipe
- Reflection of advertising - what we see is not what we get
- Shows that police officers even do illegal things - police officer is doing a line
- He painted it to criticise authority
- Detournement = hijacking or re-routing (should be an accent over first e)
- AKA culture Jamming - taking a something and changing it.
Examples of Culture Jamming =

Culture jamming = the practice of criticising and subverting advertising and consumerism in the mass media by methods such as producing advertisements parodying those of global brands.
Parody = do it again but make fun of it.
What makes Adbusters different than any other magazine?
- Single central image - quite simple and lacks text. We have got the dominant image but no other images and Mast head (title) and headline.
- Completely unclear what each issue is about in the magazine. "Are we happy yet" = very vague - as an economic value, it may cause less people to buy the magazine as they don't know what it is going on about.
- Adbusters constantly rebrands themselves - different fonts, different layouts, different mast heads etc. This is a bad idea because they can never build up mass market and never have a brand identity.
- The target audience is very unclear - they change up every time so that they can challenge their audience and challenge the idea of branding therefore they won't get a lot of money - Adbusters is anti-commercial and anti-capitalist
Adbusters =
- published 6 times (by monthly) a year by Adbusters Media Foundation (self published - only thing they publish is Adbusters - and so it's an independent company) 1989 to present.
- RRP is £10.99
- its circulation is 120,000 copies world wide.
- Genre = independent/ campaigning/ culture jamming
- Subtitle of magazine = "journal of the mental environment"
- Adbusters are opposed to advertising - people could dislike advertising because: could be fake because people are just trying to sell it, just trying to make you buy products that you don't need, try to make you feel like you are missing something in your life, makes you sub-consciously aware that you want it even though you don't need it, adverts are shoved in your face all the time on tv-phone-radio, adverts are disingenuous, adverts lie (gives us false expectations of the products), we become desensitised to them, they are advertising the brand not the product, if adverts didn't work they would be on TV still THEY WORK!, it's too easy to buy stuff, advertising can harass you, targeted adverts
- Adbusters is subversive and unconventional.

- Masthead "Adbusters' is a bold font so is easy to read
- Cover line "post-west" is the same font as the masthead and the same length of the masthead
- "Post-west" = after the west = the end of the divide between the two sides.
- very basic colours - no bright colours.- Expression of the man is unclear which is symbolic code because the magazine has an unclear target audience.
- The mise-en-scene of the mans outfit has connotations of war
- Doesn't tell you so makes you assume things - for example some people may think that this man is a terrorist because of the way he looks because we have seen people like this on the news.
- it has an aggressive mode of address - his facial expression and his fist clenched - he is quite threatening.
- because we don't know what he's shouting about it lacks any type of context and anchorage - it lacks any anchorage so we don't know what it is showing
- the brand identity = subversive and unknown - Adbusters is a not for profit magazine - they spend their money on the magazine - goes back into making the next copy.
- By monthly magazine
- Doesn't really have a genre
- Copy we are looking at was published in May/June 2016 - copy 125
- They are anti-capitalist - opposed to profit. Many ways in which to be anti-capitalist . However we live in a capitalist society.
Capitalist = a person who uses their wealth to invest in trade and industry for profit in accordance with the principles of capitalism.
Capitalism = about making money - an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
Treachery of Images [1928]
- Makes us question how we know it is a pipe
- Everything is not as it seems
- Treacherous = when you betray something/someone.
- It's going against what we know - images can betray us - it is a pipe but the lexis is telling us its not a pipe.
- What we are seeing is not a pipe, it is a representation of a pipe
- Reflection of advertising - what we see is not what we get
- Shows that police officers even do illegal things - police officer is doing a line
- He painted it to criticise authority
- Detournement = hijacking or re-routing (should be an accent over first e)
- AKA culture Jamming - taking a something and changing it.
Examples of Culture Jamming =

Culture jamming = the practice of criticising and subverting advertising and consumerism in the mass media by methods such as producing advertisements parodying those of global brands.
Parody = do it again but make fun of it.
What makes Adbusters different than any other magazine?
- Single central image - quite simple and lacks text. We have got the dominant image but no other images and Mast head (title) and headline.
- Completely unclear what each issue is about in the magazine. "Are we happy yet" = very vague - as an economic value, it may cause less people to buy the magazine as they don't know what it is going on about.

- The target audience is very unclear - they change up every time so that they can challenge their audience and challenge the idea of branding therefore they won't get a lot of money - Adbusters is anti-commercial and anti-capitalist
Adbusters =
- published 6 times (by monthly) a year by Adbusters Media Foundation (self published - only thing they publish is Adbusters - and so it's an independent company) 1989 to present.
- RRP is £10.99

- Genre = independent/ campaigning/ culture jamming
- Subtitle of magazine = "journal of the mental environment"
- Adbusters are opposed to advertising - people could dislike advertising because: could be fake because people are just trying to sell it, just trying to make you buy products that you don't need, try to make you feel like you are missing something in your life, makes you sub-consciously aware that you want it even though you don't need it, adverts are shoved in your face all the time on tv-phone-radio, adverts are disingenuous, adverts lie (gives us false expectations of the products), we become desensitised to them, they are advertising the brand not the product, if adverts didn't work they would be on TV still THEY WORK!, it's too easy to buy stuff, advertising can harass you, targeted adverts
- Adbusters is subversive and unconventional.
- Masthead "Adbusters' is a bold font so is easy to read
- Cover line "post-west" is the same font as the masthead and the same length of the masthead
- "Post-west" = after the west = the end of the divide between the two sides.
- very basic colours - no bright colours.- Expression of the man is unclear which is symbolic code because the magazine has an unclear target audience.
- The mise-en-scene of the mans outfit has connotations of war
- Doesn't tell you so makes you assume things - for example some people may think that this man is a terrorist because of the way he looks because we have seen people like this on the news.
- it has an aggressive mode of address - his facial expression and his fist clenched - he is quite threatening.
- because we don't know what he's shouting about it lacks any type of context and anchorage - it lacks any anchorage so we don't know what it is showing
- the brand identity = subversive and unknown - Adbusters is a not for profit magazine - they spend their money on the magazine - goes back into making the next copy.
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