mini mock

How does the front cover of the set edition of Woman reflect the socio-historical context (context of society when it was made= 1964) in which it was made? Make reference to the front cover and one other article from the set edition.

The front cover of Woman reflects the socio-historical context to some extent. The front cover features a woman who is a stereotypical housewife who has short hair implying she is neat and tidy and also stereotypically attractive. This reinforces the idea that woman in the 1960's must look a certain way to be seen as attractive. The woman on the front cover is also smiling connoting happiness therefore she is living up to the stereotypical housewife image that if you buy this magazine you will be happy and also attractive. The background colour of the magazine is a rich purple which is not a very appealing colour. However the magazine came out in 1964 connoting that when the magazine came out the colour was likely the be very fashionable. The binary opposition between the rich purple background and bright yellow banner allows the target audience, who were straight middle aged woman, to see the importance of the kitchen which highlights the hegemonic norms at the time. The magazine follows the patriarchal hegemonic views of the time by advertising ways to improve a kitchen on the front cover. Bell hooks' theory shows that feminism is a struggle and a battle against the patriarchal hegemonic norms. The mise-en-scene of the woman's makeup connotes the importance of the cover line "Are you an a-level beauty" showing that woman need makeup to be beautiful. Lastly, the lexis of 'woman' is in a serif font which suggests femininity and making it look hand written which shows a friendly mode of address. The advantage to the magazine of spreading hegemonic notions to females is that the target audience will begin to believe that they need to be stereotypically attractive to fit in to the hegemonic norms.  

On the other hand, the front cover reinforcing the idea of woman having to be housewives to fit in to the hegemonic norms of the 1960s isn't reflecting the socio-historical context in some ways. This is because during the 1960's the Woman's Liberation Movement took place which was when lot's of women began to protest against their lack of equality and pay rights compared to the men. The large scale protests had a very large impact on society due to the large amount of woman who took to the streets protesting for equality. Therefore in the 60's there was an increase in the number of jobs available to woman which isn't reflected on the front cover. The front cover focusses on the idea of all women being a stereotypical housewife as the model is a stereotypical housewife. The idea that woman belong in the kitchen is further reinforced through the banner with the lexis "seven star improvements for your kitchen" implying how woman should stay at home and be in the kitchen which is a binary opposition to the Woman's Liberation Movement. 

An article within Woman Magazine that highlights the socio-historical context in 1964 is the Breeze advert which shows a stereotypically attractive woman using the soap making other woman reading the advert want to buy the soap due to the belief that it will make them pretty. The woman within the advert isn't wearing anything which makes the advert become sexualised and appealing to men. This reinforces the idea that woman need this soap to make them appeal to men and shows the target audience is straight woman. This is because she is an aspirational figure. The lexis of the slogan "all-over feminine... all-day fresh" connotes how it's specifically made for woman and making men feel alienated. The magazine are gendering a product to allow woman to feel important because they are the only ones allowed to use it yet it is essential to use  a bar of soap. The advert constantly uses a direct mode of address "because you're a woman" so they are directly speaking to the woman and making them want to use the soap to gain the lifestyle and beauty of the model. 

Band 4/5

13 marks - A 
:))))))) well donee


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