The Yangtze river dolphin is not extinct!

The Yangtze river dolphin is not extinct!

The Yangtze river dolphin, also known as the Baiji, was apparently seen two weeks ago by tourists in the Yangtze river and was reported to Chinese conservationists. And recently there has been an increase in sightings making the conservationists believe that they are no longer extinct.
Chinese conservationists believe the tourists may have caught a rare glimpse of a freshwater dolphin that was declared extinct a decade ago after having been alive for approximately 20 million years. The dolphin initially went extinct in the 1980's after there was an influx of dam-builiding, over-fishing, pollution and boat traffic. Yet it was confirmed to be extinct in December 2006 following an intense, carefully managed and thorough search of the entire Yangtze River, which failed to spot or hear a single baiji
Only twenty years earlier the Yangtze river was thought to have been home to thousands of the Yangtze River Dolphin. The increase in many industrial processes like the making of objects in factories which leads to more pollution being emitted in the atmosphere which could lead to the extinction of many more animals in the future. 
However, over 12 years later there have been over 20 sightings of a Yangtze River Dolphin. 


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