NEWSPAPERS - hegemony

Patriarchal = form of hegemony - a society dominated by men - men having dominance over women. 

Mermaid and men toilet signs = expectations of women - women should have long hair and look attractive and men should work and be strong - John Burger believed this

The expectations of women are to be attractive, submissive and seductive. 

hegemony = form of control 

Girls = stereotypically attractive - very skinny, long hair and tall - example of hegemonic norms of beauty - Victoria secret models - stereotypically western style 

Cultural hegemony - some cultures are superior to others.

Key Theory 8 - Lisbet Van Zoonen - the male gaze theory - assumption that every media product is aimed at heterosexual men. 

- the idea that gender is constructed through discourse and that its meaning varies                  according to cultural and historical context 
- the idea that the display of women's bodies as objects to be looked at is s core element of    western patriarchal culture 

Aspirational image - to look like them and be like them so they can attract men - if you look like a stereotypical women you can attract men.

sexualisation = the process when something becomes sexual - person or object having sexual aspects 
Objectification = when you turn something or someone into an object - presenting as inanimate or unfeeling 

3 articles on the "dont miss" sidebar on the mail online that represent women: 

- objectifying and sexualising women 
- Dubai = exotic and luxurious and wealthy
- young glamorous mother

- Emily Atack has lost weight and they are using her as a selling point because within the article they are selling the bikini like the one she is wearing. 

- Straight women read this to gossip about the other womens bodies. 

why do producers use representations?
- entertainment value
- ideological reasons
- financial reasons 
- narrative
voyeurism = taking pleasure of watching somebody when they don't know they are being watched.


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