Mock exam.

In what ways can newspapers incorporate viewpoints and ideologies?

Newspapers can incorporate views and ideologies in many different ways. The Daily Mirror and The Times do this in a particular way and that is by the producer's choice of pictures. The Daily Mirror have a strong and clear hatred for Donald Trump which can be seen through the article with the Statue of Liberty with her head in her hands after his inauguration. This shows how they manipulate ideology of their audience to make them have the same views of Donald Trump as they have. The mise-en-scene of the dark clouds behind the photo of the statue of liberty is a proairetic code suggesting danger and a possible war because of Donald Trump becoming president clearly showing the Daily Mirrors political ideology is left wing. Also, Liberty connotes freedom and because the Statue of Liberty's face is covered it shows how their freedom has been taken away. The idea of codes and semiotics was brought to life through the theorist Roland Barthes.The Daily Mirror anchors the audience to see Donald Trump as a bad person who is going to bring war and danger to the world. However, in The Times they used a picture of the American flag in the background. The mise-en-scene of the american flag suggests that Trump is going to be good for america symbolising a sense of freedom and justice which is the opposite view to the Daily Mirror. Having it in the background anchors the audience to believe that Donald Trump is a positive force.As well as this, the large image of Trump is in the centre symbolising his importance and significance for a change in America. Yet the picture chosen of trump shows a very smug face which has a potential polysemic reading that Trump is possibly unprepared to become president or it could connote his confidence. The dual meaning of the large image allows the audience to almost make their own decision of wether Trump is going to be good or bad for the world. 

Newspapers can also incorporate views through lexis within the article. The lexis within the article from The Daily Mirror is very bias towards a left wing view. The lexis of "what have they done?" connotes a sense of disappointment and anger from the Daily Mirror. Furthermore, there is an element of blame within this quote suggesting the rest of the world is blaming America for what they have done. By doing this, The Daily Mirror have taken a bias view that they want their audience to see. On the other hand, The Times have taken a much less bias view towards Donald Trump yet they are leaning towards a more positive view. The lexis of the headline "The new world"  is presented in a serif font which has connotations of positivity, seriousness and the ideology that Trump will be a global force for good suggesting that their audience should have a more optimistic view on the new President. However, the pull quote within the article of "you'll be so proud of your president" which is them repeated for a second time, represents the new presidents egoism. Therefore, the Times have taken a neutral outlook of Trump compared to the completely different outlook The Daily Mirror have portrayed. This emphasises how the Daily Mirror are more bias towards their left wing view. 


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