Gay Pride March

Gay pride march to still be held despite bomb scares. 

Within the last couple of years, acts of terrorism have happened in cities all over the world. The UK has been a target of many horrific attacks. With the Gay pride march being held next week, the possibility of an attack happening is likely. Last year over 1 million people took to the streets of London to celebrate with the thousands taking part. This year approximately 2 million people are predicted to come and watch the parade, making it a possible target. 
Despite this PrideInLondon, who run the parade, are making sure the Gay Pride March is still happening and will be "one of the best yet". Metropolitan Police Department have made a statement saying that Police officers will be there keeping the people of London and others safe. 
The group behind the possible targeted attack is the Islamic State who spread their beliefs yesterday which attracted the Metropolitan Police's attention. This anonymous tip has has lead to an outbreak of fear within the public.
If a terrorist attack was to happen, the UK Department of Security released a statement of what to do:
- IF it is safe to do so - RUN
- Call the Police - 999
- IF you are unable to RUN - HIDE 
- If you can see the attacker, they are likely to be able to see you. 
- Find cover from things that could injure you.

People who are taking part within the march have recently made statements regarding the threat. A collective view is that "no matter what the threat will be, big or small, dangerous or not dangerous, we will still have our important parade" The Gay Pride March is one of the most important days for Gay couples within the UK as they can join together and celebrate their love. 


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