I, Daniel Blake

Production and distribution
- Low key move - not a blockbuster but it blew up a lot more than they thought it would
- Rebecca O'Brien = producer
Film producer = Ken Loach
Movie is rated a 15 by the bbfc
Woman playing the mum starved herself to put herself into the mothers shoes
People over 16 could watch this movie as it includes a serious topic
Advert gained 67k views on YouTube
A lot of interviews with actors as it was a very controversial topic
YouTube videos on the topic which was a good way of advertising
Film about benefit system

Textual Analysis of trailer
- in the trailer - equilibrium theory is noticed - only stages 2 and 3
-Steve Neale's theory of repetition and differences
Proairetic codes
Binary opposites - conflict between lower and working class - dual opinions on certain matters
Fade transitions between shots creating a sentimental value
Use of low key lighting creates a negative tone for the film
Daniel's character is subversive
Trailer portrays character in a stereotypical manner - lower class women in rag clothing

Social and political context
- Daniel blake is unable to claim benefits even though he is doing everything he should - at the end he gets the benefits but dies before he is told and dies in the government building
- Reaches parliament because of a subject
- SOCIAL REALISM = film genre that is supposed to sow the true indication of what life is like and a true indication of what some people have to go through
- 1 million food bank sanctions made in 2014 - this is what I, Daniel Blake is covering - argued by the opposition that this case isn't fully accurate - yet stats can actually show that I,Daniel Bake is true - can take 1-2years for some people to get their benefits
Ken Loach is known to be a social revolutionary

Research into the role of regulation
- discrimination - racist and homophobic language - shown by Daniel Blake not being able to work because he is ill and his benefits are taken away
- drugs - drugs are used in the film
- imitable behaviour - graffiti - anti-social behaviour - people under 15 may see this
- sex references - one character being a prostitute - verbal references to sexual behaviours
- Language - very bad words in the film - realistic and relatable as a lot of people swear

How was the film received?
- In general the film mostly received positive reviews and it's been praised for the harsh reality of the working class and tells us that poverty is systematic - unlike what the politics think
- criticised for being left-wing propaganda and it cannot be seen appropriately due to the one sided view
- Film is too melodramatic - power of the film is undermined because of this
"this is an excellent movie... thought provoking watch"
"left the cinema with a lot to think about after this film"
debates that both left wing and right wing critics have debated whether the film is politically biased for either side.
- awards = BAFTAs - outstanding British film of the year 2017

Jeremy Corbyn
- popular due to leader of labour party - very strong left wing opinions
- wants a fair society - popular with grime artists like stormzy
- he is anti war and anti nuclear
also a vegetation
- communist societies embrace him and his opinions
he has a lot in common with political radicals also

Funding and commercial nature
- WildBunch AG - founded in 1979 - budget of £5mill (not all for one film)
- Had premier in Newcastle because that is where film was made
community screenings
editorial campaign value of £15mill
Entertainment one - worked on I, Daniel Blake - mass media company - mainly involved in the distribution of media products
Other companies from other countries were involved because they ran out of money

Textual analysis of I,Daniel Blake
English poster = used a striking pose of main character - empowering character and sense of revolution
Concrete wall Background - newcastle is rundown etc.
Extra info = Irish poster = helps to explain the film
Rhetorical question - entices the audience making them want to watch the film
title is i graffiti = represents a rebellious and dangerous nature
Costume = wearing everyday clothing = lower class

French Poster -
Working class = band,heap looking
Family = suggests its a happy and family friendly film
lighting used contrasts with the melancholy theme of the film
setting = run down and scruffy location
Title = serif font - hand writing and personal feel to the audience
Entertainment - boy is playing with a stick showing that he can't find a lot of entertainment


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