
Narrative =  way in which the story is told

Narrative = not JUST the story, it is also told through mise-en-scene, costume, colour, ideology, editing, music, gestures and graphics.

Tzvetan Todorov = Narratology - Narrative Equilibrium 

Equilibrium = a state of balance/normal 

Might have an equilibrium at the start or end.

Step 1 = Establishment of equilibrium
Step 2 = Disequilibrium (something goes wrong) 
in-between = The liminal period (neither good nor bad)
Step 3 = Partial restoration of the equilibrium (things go back to normal yet nothing can go back exactly the same as somethings have changed. For example people may have died)

1. Merlin and Arthur are fine 
2. Arthur gets stabbed and Merlin loses his magic
3. Arthur dies and everything goes back to normal 

Narrative advantages = 
- gives everything an order 
- compelling - audiences like it 
- straight forward and easy to apply

Disadvantages =
- films could have two equilibriums 

It can apply to any media product because it is so straight forward

As a society, we like to watch the inevitability of a disruption therefore we like to watch things go wrong which means we aren't very nice people. 

Media Producers are so obsessed with disruption and resolution because it tells the audience that everything is going to be okay = so we don't lose hope = escapism 

The way in which the narrative is solved tells us a lot about the ideology of the producer. 

Kiss of the Vampire - 
- Proairetic code of the women being bitten by an arm shows that she is going to turn into a vampire which is an example of intertextuality due to the fact that this has happened before
- Binary Oppositions of Humans vs Vampires
- Typical romance narrative with a gothic twist 
- Narration of a typical gothic story
- setting is a stereotypical vampire film - abandoned stately home - looks like a typical vampire film. 
- Use of low key lighting = connotes a feeling of suspense or mystery = hermeneutic code 
- contains a wide range of genre conventions = paradigms. 


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