Cultivation of hegemonic ideologies advert

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  • The advert uses a mid-shot to show their full outfit to emphasise that the outfits look pretty and you won't look pretty unless you wear the outfit.
  • The Serif font shows how the brand name isn't the most important part of the advert yet it's placed in the centre so you know where it's from
  • Both females are skinny and have light skin which emphasises the stereotypical and hegemonic view that woman have to be like this to be attractive.
  • However, the stereotypical view of all women having to have long hair is not presented within this advert due to the fact that the woman on the left has short hair.
  • The mise-en-scene is very colourful which connotes being bold and daring. This further emphasises that if you buy these outfits you can become exciting and more attractive. 
  • The hegemonic code shows that all young women are attractive which cultivates the idea that all young women are like this.
  • There is no slogan within the advert due to the fact that the emphasis needs to be on the outfit as they are selling the beauty of these women to the audience.
  • It's aspirational to young women as they are selling the lifestyle and body image of these women and if you don't have that then you aren't pretty or attractive.
  • The target audience is young women due to the fact there aren't any men within the advert so you can't relate to them.
  • The clothes they are wearing aren't very revealing which is not stereotypically attractive as the hegemonic and stereotypical ideology is young girls wear revealing clothes.
  • we make the assumption that women are fun due to the fact that they are young, skinny and relaxed. 


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