Advert analysis

Barnardo's 2011 charity advert  How is meaning created through the narrative? (way in which the story is told)
Meaning is created through narrative due to the fact that the start of the advert shows a close up shot of the chair when the man is arriving with a very plain background which shows how he is in an office which suggests it is a serious thing they are going to talk about. Furthermore, the mid-shot is focused on the different people during the advert which connotes how the advert is all about their journey with the help from Barnardo's. 
As well as this, as the man gets younger and younger, the audience are able to see how he has progressed mentally with the help from Barnado's which will entice the audience to give money to the charity. Can you identify any binary oppositions?
A binary opposition within the advert is Young vs Old 

What intertextual references are made?
The intertextual references that are made within the advert 

Can you apply Todorov’s narrative theory of equilibrium?
1) He is older and is doing better with his mental health

2) As he becomes younger, it shows what he went through
3) Ends knowing the child who said he was scared is now coping, yet he will never forget what he went through

Is the narrative linear or nonlinear? Why? Impact
The narrative is non linear due to the fact there are flashbacks which show how his mental health wasn't very good when he was young yet as he got older it improved.


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