Tide advertisment

- The font is bright red, Sans serif font, matching the product which makes it pleasing to the eye and catchy.
- Background is white - suggesting purity and the cleanliness of the product 
- The woman holding/hugging tide is the centre image emphasising how it is the crucial to her life
- It uses the stereotype that woman are the ones who clean = sexist - the writing is in red associating with woman - red can also be associated with romance.
- The woman is happy which shows to the audience that if they buy this product they will also be happy
- The words that want to be emphasised are put into bold red colours to show the product
- There is a comic print in the bottom right to make the advert more engaging.
- Mode of address is talking directly to women "No wonder you Women buy more TIDE" so like a man talking to a woman. 
- Use of a Z line - starts at top with how good tide is, then main photo of woman and then writing at the bottom.
- There is a significant amount of information and so much text etc. a 3 point plan, a comic strip. 
- Target audience for this is a house wife. 

Background on the Tide Advert:

- Designed specifically for heavy duty machine cleaning
- Launched in 1946 and it quickly became a brand leader in America 
- The D'Arcy Masius Benton and Bowels advertising agency made the advert
- DMB&M used print and radio advertising campaigns in order to quickly build audience familiarity with the brand. 
- Both media forms used housewife character and the ideology that its customers "loved" and "adored" Tide.

Semiotic analysis of the Tide advert:
- Red, Black, white and yellow colours of the advert 
- stereotypical representation of women is being presented on the advert - wearing a stereotypical 50's house wife clothes (spotted clothes and hair tied up)
- Her hair is fashionable and classy 
- She has very heavy red lipstick and makeup on - by buying Tide you will become glamorous, sexually attractive and more like the woman. 
- She is significantly happy for washing - her lips are pouting connoting love and sexual attraction - she is in love with the box of Tide
- Lips look like she is going to kiss someone - symbolic code as she symbolises romance. 
- Her pursed lips function as a proairetic code which informs the audience that she is going to kiss her lover (the box of Tide)
- Not typical of a modern advert - comic strip at the bottom. 
- Advert is specifically targeting housewives with lot's of spare time.
- Target audience is Housewives aged 30-50
- The use of the work "want" is very bold and blunt
- The use of informal language - "suds" - advert is talking to you as if it is their friend. 
- Its blunt "no wonder you women" - excludes them and its a bit rude - implying that all women like to buy wash product.
- Working class women and the words are commanding and directly addressing women
- It has basic language skills suggesting that she is a lower class women so she wouldn't be well educated.
- "No Soap - No other "suds....." - uses hyperbole - exaggerates how there is nothing like it. 
- The housewife holding the sign is wearing the stereotypical housewife costume and looks quite glamorous - she is by the washing machine - very made up for washing - lipstick is heavy.
- "Cleanest" - superlative/ hyperbolic language 
- "It's a miracle!" - religious - 
- "whitest" - cant get any better - it's the best - its white so it is the best - could be seen as racist - white is the best
- "brightens" - its clean, if you are bright then you are clever, if your day is brightened it makes you happy, positive word - only good things will come from using this.
- "sudsing whizz" is terribly informal 
- has not terms, conditions or hard facts - nothing to prove tide is a better product but because they are a trusted company it was used
- No price
- if you didn't know who to do washing - it doesn't show you how but they presume housewives will use it who already know how to use it.
- No males within the advert - 5 female faces within the advert - each situation they are doing something to do with house work and they are ALL wearing stereotypical outfits - connotes that it is purely a women's job to clean because men aren't even in the advert so it has nothing to do with men - almost a world with absolutely no men. 

Coca Cola Advert = 
- background is palm trees which looks luxurious 
- she has piercing blue eyes
- The mise-en-scene of the models nails are red which matches the straw within the bottle and the brand logo. Almost suggesting she is a part of it.
- The bottle of coca cola is in the centre of the advert with the logo facing the camera emphasising it's importance 
- It has no writing other than the logo on the bottle. 
- The gesture within the image is relaxing yet holding onto the bottle with her hands around suggesting she likes the coke and has a romantic/sexual undertone. 
- she is staring directly at you, lying down and smiling emphasising her happiness about the coke (sexual undertones)
- mode of address = age of model - she is in her mid twenties showing how the target audience would be teenagers/young adults.

TESCO advert = 
- mise-en-scene is boring and bland compared to the curry he has made.
- smiling - he enjoys cooking - he is welcoming and inviting
- "davids "hot or not" curry"  is in huge sans serif font and is very bold. 
-  mid shot - quite formal - its like you are actually there with him - direct mode of address 
- Various kids pictures on the fridge - shows he is a dad.


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