adverts 1
What is this advert selling?

The advert is selling the Coach handbag. It is also selling the idea of luxury and beauty due to the fact she is wearing luxurious clothing etc.

The advert is selling the Coach handbag. It is also selling the idea of luxury and beauty due to the fact she is wearing luxurious clothing etc.
An advert sells a lifestyle to an audience to make them want the product.
Adverts can take different forms etc. print, TV spot, online adverts (one before a youtube video), banner adverts, paid for content etc.
Conventions of a print advert = Bold and eye catching fonts, a celebrity in order to sell the product, wealthy background/location/setting, product will be featured, brand name etc.
KEY THEORY 1 = Roland Barthes - Semiotics
Semiotics = looking at meaning of words and images.
Sign = anything that can have meaning
Signifiers = The thing that creates meaning
Signified = The meaning that is created
Code - refer to any element of media language that creates meaning for the audience.
Hermeneutic codes - (also known as enigma codes) refer to something within the media product that creates mystery or suspense.
Proairetic codes - (also known as action codes) this refers to something within a media product that suggests something will happen.
Symbolic codes - something within a media product that creates a deeper meaning for the audience.
Textual analysis - refers to studying a media product and suggesting ways that the media language creates meaning for the audience.
Maybelline "lash stylist" mascara adver- textual analysis
- Bold, sharp and large text
- slogan/ tagline = "Maybe she's born with it. Maybe its maybelline"
- Focus on the woman's eye - close up image - shows everything is focused on her (shes looking at the wand showing its the most important thing in the world)
- Setting in New York because the company is based in New York - emphasising luxury and wealth.
- Maybelline logo largely printed at the bottom of the advert
- lots of shots of mascara wand - showing the product.
- professionalism shown by the Mise-en-scene as she is wearing all black
- This product is a unique mascara because it is a "V-styling comb"
- The mise-en-scene of the buildings has a blueish grey tint to it - symbolises order and structure.
Z-line = The order in which the audience looks at an advert.
Rule of thirds = When you split the advert into threes
Headings and subheadings = The main title or caption and another topic within that topic
Serif font = A fancier and more formal font
Sans-serif font = This is bolder and stands out more than the serif font.
Lexis = Choice of words used (depends on what audience is going to see the media product yet can be stereotype)
Mode of address = The way a media product speaks to it's audience. Stereotype = a commonly held belief about a wide group of people (advertisers use stereotypes)
Code - refer to any element of media language that creates meaning for the audience.
Hermeneutic codes - (also known as enigma codes) refer to something within the media product that creates mystery or suspense.
Proairetic codes - (also known as action codes) this refers to something within a media product that suggests something will happen.
Symbolic codes - something within a media product that creates a deeper meaning for the audience.
Textual analysis - refers to studying a media product and suggesting ways that the media language creates meaning for the audience.
Maybelline "lash stylist" mascara adver- textual analysis
- Bold, sharp and large text
- slogan/ tagline = "Maybe she's born with it. Maybe its maybelline"
- Focus on the woman's eye - close up image - shows everything is focused on her (shes looking at the wand showing its the most important thing in the world)
- Setting in New York because the company is based in New York - emphasising luxury and wealth.
- Maybelline logo largely printed at the bottom of the advert
- lots of shots of mascara wand - showing the product.
- professionalism shown by the Mise-en-scene as she is wearing all black
- This product is a unique mascara because it is a "V-styling comb"
- The mise-en-scene of the buildings has a blueish grey tint to it - symbolises order and structure.
Z-line = The order in which the audience looks at an advert.
Rule of thirds = When you split the advert into threes
Headings and subheadings = The main title or caption and another topic within that topic
Serif font = A fancier and more formal font
Sans-serif font = This is bolder and stands out more than the serif font.
Lexis = Choice of words used (depends on what audience is going to see the media product yet can be stereotype)
Mode of address = The way a media product speaks to it's audience. Stereotype = a commonly held belief about a wide group of people (advertisers use stereotypes)
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