
Showing posts from April, 2019

formation - Beyonce

Dancing -  - Beyonce's movements are aggressive within the video e.g. stamping feet connoting power. - Sticking middle finger up connotes she doesn't care and lack of respect for hegemonic norms in society. - Through the mise-en-scene of her costume she is revealing her body through the use of sexualisation (Colonialism = owning different countries and forming a colony e.g British Empire - sense of ownership = othering  "We did it" - talking about where you live - we see the world as a binary opposition - we have britain and then everywhere else is foreign.) Paul Gilroy = Theories of ethnicity and post colonialism. Formation is: - subversive  - unconventional - different  - atypical  - experimental  - very different from a conventional music video Set in a lot of different places but specifically New Orleans in State of Louisiana  In what ways can audiences respond to the social, cultural and historical circumstances that formation was made in? (Qu