advertising and marketing posts from blog

Use the advertising and marketing label under the header image to select all blog posts labelled as advertising and marketing Water Aid advert Initial tracking shot: Initial tracking shot symbolic of lack of wealth - we follow Claudia as she collects water. Mid Shot of Claudia walking directly in to camera, and framed by a dusty, empty landscape - connotative of bleakness and emptiness There are polysemic readings of this advert because it is both bleak and depressing, but also hopeful and uplifting low close up tracking shot of Claudia's shoes establishes that she must walk far to collect water. Positions the audience literally in Claudia's shoes, allowing the audience to empathise with her. Close up of Claudia's smiling face, connotes a positive and optimistic ideological perspective - stereotypical representation of teenage girls being happy and enjoying themselves Low angle establishing tracking shot follows Claudia as she collects wat...