Adbusters - initial analysis
Example of deliberately challenging, subversive and upsetting material = . Why has this been concluded? What ideological message does this construct? To what extent is this unconventional for magazines? This picture has been concluded to be deliberately challenging, subversive and upsetting due to the fact it shows the harsh reality of some people's lifestyles. It is subversive because the lexis beneath the photo portrays it to be an advert that readers would normally want to buy yet its showing that people have had to make flip-flops out of old water bottles instead. This image is deliberately challenging to the audience of the magazine because it makes them think about the differences in lifestyles and it brings to light the struggle. The ideological message constructed through this image is that many people aren't aware of what some people have to live like and that consumers of adverts are unaware that they are able to buy expensive it...